Identification of cyanobacteria in Lagoa Salgada by metagenomic approach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Lagoa Salgada is a coastal hypersaline water body located in the north of Rio de Janeiro State and recognized by the presence of stromatolites. Cyanobacteria are the main primary producers of these structures in coastal hypersaline lagoons. The aim of the study was to identify the cyanobacteria present in Lagoa Salgada through metagenomics. The genetic material obtained from a water sample collected in June 2019 was submitted to sequencing by the shotgun method. The metagenomic data were analyzed using the MetaWrap version 1.3 pipeline to identify cyanobacteria and biological processes. The genus Synechococcus showed greater abundance, corresponding to 64.3% of the identified cyanobacteria, followed by Synechocystis (23.6%), Geminocystis (2%), and Calothrix (1.8%). The most abundant species were Synechococcus sp. RS9909 (46.7%), Synechocystis sp. PCC 6714 (16.4%), Synechococcus sp. WH 8101 (9.2%), Synechocystis sp. CACIAM 05 (4.3%). Thirty-three biological processes associated with genes present in the sample were identified. The Lagoa Salgada has a wide diversity of cyanobacteria in its aquatic ecosystem that is still little explored, justifying the need for protection and preservation of this lagoon environment.
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