Invertebrates and microbiota associated with aquatic macrophyte degradation in a shallow lake in southern Brazil
Aquatic macrophytes are the main producers of organic matter in shallow aquatic ecosystems. They are also food sources for many herbivores. When macrophytes die, they enter the debris chain, are conditioned by microbial action and colonized by benthic invertebrates which remobilize nutrients from their biomass. In subtropical aquatic systems, the participation of shredder invertebrates has been questioned, highlighting the participation of fungi and bacteria in the degradation of organic matter. This study evaluated the degradation of two submerged aquatic macrophytes, Mayaca fluviatilis and Stuckenia pectinata, determining the quality of debris and microbiota and invertebrate trophic group density throughout the degradation process. Our results indicated that plants with lower polyphenol concentrations had higher degradation speeds. The shredders invertebrates had reduced abundance in both macrophytes, emphasizing the importance of bacteria and fungi in the nutrient cycling process in subtropical shallow lakes.
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