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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal, in part or in its entirety; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • The text is in double space; uses a 12-point font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors on the About the Journal page.

Author Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted that are not within the guidelines set forth below will be forwarded to the authors.

1. The uploaded file must be up to 2MB.

2. As from the first issue of 2022 - January/2022 (include manuscripts submitted as of September/2021), Acta Brasiliensis will publish manuscripts in English only. Authors may submit their manuscripts in Portuguese, Spanish or English. However, if accepted, the authors must translate the manuscript in a translation company, respecting the deadline set by the journal. The translation certificate must be sent as supplemental document.

3. The maximum length of manuscripts, including all textual elements, are as follows: 20 pages for articles; 25 pages for reviews and 10 pages for notes.

4. The manuscript should be organized with the following elements, in the following order: title in Portuguese, short title, abstract, keywords, title in English, abstract, keywords, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, thanks optional) and references. Do not enumerate these elements. Separate each topic or subtopic by an enter before and after.

5. The names of the authors should not be inserted in the submitted manuscript, only in the system of the magazine, when submitting the manuscript. The manuscript should not exceed a total of 10 authors.

Format and style of the document

6. The manuscript must be written in a text editor (.doc or .docx), with Times New Roman font, size 12 pt, double line spacing, 3 cm margins, with pages and lines listed continuously.

7. Title: centralized, with the first capital letter and up to 15 words.

8. Short title: centralized, with the first capital letter, up to 40 characters (with spaces).

9. Summary: up to 200 words (150 words, in the case of scientific notes). Begin with a brief introduction, followed by the objectives and each part of the manuscript elements (methodology, results and conclusions). Acronyms and citations should be avoided.

10. Keywords: between 4 and 5 words, each with two or more terms, in alphabetical order. Words should not be repeated in titles.

11. Introduction: Must contain up to 40 lines. Describe the purpose of the research and present the state of knowledge about the research area. Clearly cite the goals or hypotheses that have been tested. Must be finalized with goals.

12. Material and Methods: Explain the procedures performed, so that it can be reproduced by other researchers. Clearly describe the type (s) of statistical analysis used. Standard procedures should only be referenced. Units of measure and their abbreviations must follow the International System. Specific equipment used in the study should be described (model, manufacturer, city and country of manufacture, in parentheses). If there is a need for subtitles in this section, align them to the left and in italics with the first capital letter.

13. Research requiring special authorizations, such as Ethics Committees (Human or Animal), should attach the approval opinion to supplementary documents. Otherwise, the manuscript will not be evaluated.

14. Results and Discussion: Present the data obtained and do not: repeat in the text all the information contained in tables and figures; Do not present the same information in tables and figures simultaneously. Do not use subheadings in this section. Figures should be separated from units (eg 60 ° C and not 60 ° C), except for percentages (e.g., 5% and NOT 5%). In the discussion, simple baseless speculation should be avoided and use only relevant references to the discussion.

15. Conclusions: should contain a maximum of 2 paragraphs, with a succinct interpretation of the results that meets the objective (s), highlighting the scientific implications of the work.

16. Acknowledgments: should be brief and concise. Include development agency. Do not abbreviate names of institutions.

17. Bibliography: Organized in alphabetical order. The title of periodicals should not be abbreviated. It is preferable that the cited references be of the last 10 years where, at least, 70% of them are scientific journal articles. Avoid exceeding 25 references to articles and notes and; 40 references for bibliographic reviews. Do not use monographs or papers published in annals of scientific events.

18. From the first issue of 2019 (January 2019), the citation pattern and references follow the American Psychological Association (APA) standard. For quotations in the body of the text, here are some examples below. Citations with more than one reference should follow chronological order. For two or more references published in the same year, cite in alphabetical order. Please follow the following pattern for the citations:

- An author: Santos (2015) or (Santos, 2015).

- Two authors: Barros and Silva (2014) or (Barros & Silva, 2014).

- Three to five authors (from the first time cited): Ferraz, Souza, e Barros, (2016) ou (Ferraz, Souza, & Barros, 2016)

- Three to five authors (from the second time cited): Ferraz et al. (2016) or (Ferraz et al., 2016).

- More than five authors: Pereira et al. (2016) or (Pereira et al., 2016).

19. All references must contain the DOI or direct link to your access, except for books, dissertations or theses that are not published online. References should be formatted according to the examples below:


Baron, R.M. & Kenny, D.A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  51(8), 1173-1182. doi: 10.1590/1809-43921982123S023

Dissertations and theses:

Ribeiro, M.C.L.B. (1983). As migrações dos jaraquis (Pisces: Prochilodontidae) no rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil (Dissertação de mestrado). Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas. Recuperado de link do arquivo..


Ornelas, M. M. G. (2000). Perícia contábil (3a ed.). São Paulo: Atlas.

Book Chapters:

Martone, C. L. (2000). Modelo básico para economia fechada e aberta. In L. M. Lopes, & M. A. S. Vasconcellos (Orgs.), Manual de macroeconomia: Nível básico e nível intermediário (2a ed., Cap. 13, pp. 299-311). São Paulo: Atlas.

For more examples, we suggest consulting the manual of the Alvares Penteado Foundation Library. Downlod here.

20. Figures: Figures should be incorporated within the text, close to where it is first cited. In addition, they should be attached separately in additional documents (JPG or TIFF format) by appointing the annex with its order in the manuscript (eg, Figure 1). They must have high quality and minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Do not create bar or pie charts for binary qualitative data (eg yes and no, hypertensive and non-hypertensive).

21. Tables: Maximum of 4 tables per manuscript. They should be incorporated into the text, next to where it is first cited. It should not contain vertical lines and should not be closed on the sides. Your title and content should be in single spacing. The table should not be pasted or inserted as an image, but created in the manuscript document using the "insert table" tab.

22. The following information should accompany all species mentioned in the article:

For zoology: the name of the author and the date of publication of the original description must be given the first time the species is cited in the works; For botany and ecology: only the name of the author who made the description must be given the first time the species is cited in the works.

23. Acta Brasiliensis can change the format and style of text, figures and tables and promote grammatical corrections to make them the standard of the periodical. If necessary, you will be prompted for the data sheet that contains the charts for best adjustments.

24. When entering the metadata of each author, it is mandatory to inform the ORCID and the affiliation of each author.