A Expansion of the geographic distribution and conservation status of Paullinia cearensis Somner & Ferrucci (Sapindaceae)


Paullinia cearensis Somner & Ferrucci (Sapindaceae) is an endemic species of Northeastern Brazil, hitherto known from the states of Ceará and Piauí, in areas of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest. The species is being recorded for the first time in the state of Maranhão and in the Brazilian Cerrado. It was collected in Morro do Alecrim, a remnant of Cerrado, in Caxias-Maranhão, during a botanical expedition in January 2021, where the species was found with fruits. A morphological description, taxonomic comments, data on geographic distribution, detailed images of the species, and an assessment of its conservation status, categorized as endangered, are presented. This data will contribute to the knowledge and conservation of this species for the northeastern flora.


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How to Cite
NASCIMENTO, Janilde de Melo; SILVA, Guilherme Sousa; DA CONCEIÇÃO, Gonçalo Mendes. A Expansion of the geographic distribution and conservation status of Paullinia cearensis Somner & Ferrucci (Sapindaceae). Acta Brasiliensis, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 65-68, may 2022. ISSN 2526-4338. Available at: <http://revistas.ufcg.edu.br/actabra/index.php/actabra/article/view/591>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.22571/2526-4338591.