Assemblages of Myxomycetes associated with Cocos nucifera L. trees


Arecaceae plants provide favorable microhabitats for the development of myxomycetes, but researches focusing on myxomycetes associated with palm trees are scarce. The myxobiota present on Cocos nucifera L. was evaluated in coconut groves in the municipality of Bonito, Pernambuco, Brazil. The incidence of myxomycetes on coconut palms and substrates and their composition, richness, taxonomic diversity, constancy, abundance, and seasonality of sporulation were analyzed. During direct field collections, inspections were made of the stems, leaf sheaths, inflorescence bracts, and petiole bases of 60 adult individuals. Myxomycetes were present in 80% of the coconut palms and were more abundant during the rainy season (June). A total of 128 specimens were obtained (63% from leaf sheaths, 31% from stems, 4% from petiole bases, and 2% from bracts), representing 14 species, with species/genus ratio = 2.80. Hemitrichia serpula, Physarum decipiens and Diderma effusum characterize the myxobiota. This work presents the first record of Diderma chondrioderma, Didymium clavus, Physarum crateriforme and P. roseum on C. nucifera for Brazil. The ocurrence of Didymium megalosporum in Brazil is confirmed 107 years after its first and only record in ground litter in an undefined location.


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How to Cite
SÁ, Camila Estelita Vogeley Alves de; FERRAZ, Luiz Gonzaga Biones; CAVALCANTI, Laise de Holanda. Assemblages of Myxomycetes associated with Cocos nucifera L. trees. Acta Brasiliensis, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 35-42, may 2022. ISSN 2526-4338. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: