Biological characteristics of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) under temperature stress by successive generations


The objective of this study was to evaluate the biological characteristics of Trichogramma pretiosum (Riley 1879) under room temperature and temperature stress by successive generations. The evaluation was carried out in split-plot in the time. The temperature (25 ºC – room temperature and 33 ºC – temperature stress) was the Factor 1 and the Generations (n = 15) were the Factor 2. The biological characteristics evaluated were: longevity; posterior tibia length; number of parasitized eggs; emergence; egg-adult period; sexual ratio and deformed individuals. The increase in temperature, from the first generations of T pretiosum, caused an influence in all observed variables. However, for the emergence and sex ratio variables, there was no significant difference between heat stress and control (room temperature) as of the 14th generation, which suggests an adaptability of the species. This adaptability may imply obtaining more aggressive natural enemies in relation to their host (insect pest) and consequently in the greater efficiency of biological control.


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How to Cite
DE ARAUJO JUNIOR, Luis Moreira et al. Biological characteristics of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) under temperature stress by successive generations. Acta Brasiliensis, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 72-75, may 2021. ISSN 2526-4338. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025. doi: