Bird species richness at Parque Estadual do Pico do Jabre, Paraíba
This study aims to make an inventory of bird species from Parque Estadual do Pico do Jabre, Paraíba, listing trophic guilds and forest habitat dependencies. In 12 days of survey, 240 Mackinnon lists was builted. Tyrannidae was the richest bird family, with 20 species, followed by Thamnophilidae (7), Trochilidae (6) and Emberezidae (6). Almost 20% of registered bird species are forest habitat dependent, 38.7% are semi-dependent and 41.4% are independent. The low occurrence of forest dependent species should be associated of antropogenic pressions around the park. The maintenance of these areas is important due to the exchange of species with the adjacent dry areas, serving as refuges for these species during the dry periods. The presence of Penelope jacucaca (jacu-caca), which is inserted in the red book of Brazilian threatened species of fauna, is an indicator that despite the surroundings of the park suffer with the presence of man, the forest area of the park is in good condition preservation.
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