In vitro antileishmanial activity of Anacardium othonianum and isolated compounds against Leishmania amazonensis


This study analyzes the antileishmanial activity of the crude ethanol extract, fractions, and isolated compounds of A. othonianum nuts. Antileishmanial activity was evaluated against Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes in vitro. The phytochemical study was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry-diode array detector (HPLC-HRMS-DAD) and by preparative HPLC. HPLC-HRMS-DAD analysis of the bioactive extract confirmed the presence of ten alkyl phenol derivatives that had previously been isolated from A. occidentale. Bioassay-guided isolation afforded cardanol triene, cardanol diene, cardanol monoene, cardol triene, anacardic acid triene, anacardic acid diene, and anacardic acid monoene. Cardol triene gave an IC50 of 80.66 µM. The obtained data suggest that the evaluated extract, fractions, and cardol triene had moderate activity against L. amazonensis promastigotes. This is the first description of alkyl phenols in A. othonianum.


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How to Cite
ALVARENGA, Tavane Aparecida et al. In vitro antileishmanial activity of Anacardium othonianum and isolated compounds against Leishmania amazonensis. Acta Brasiliensis, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 44-47, jan. 2021. ISSN 2526-4338. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 19 feb. 2025. doi: