Applied ethnobotany to gastric ulcer and pharmacological evaluation of Solanum stipulaceum


The popular knowledge about medicinal plants has helped the bioprospecting strategies of species and directed to a discovery of new pharmacological activities. The aim of this study was to identify medicinal species used against gastric ulcer in the Vila Capim village, Arapiraca, Alagoas, and it evaluating a gastric anti - inflammatory activity of the most salient species. For a selection of key informants has used a snowball technique. The TCLE was signed and semi-structured interviews were applied. The analysis of the speeches was done on the Discourse of the Collective Subject technique. For   pharmacological experimental tests, plant extract was underwent the Acute Gastric Lesion Model induced by absolute ethanol and using Wistar male rats. Acute toxicity was evaluated. Seventeen key informants indicated the symptoms and the medicinal plants used against gastric ulcer. The species with the highest salience value was Solanum stipulaceum Roem & Schult (sacatinga), chosen for chemical and pharmacological tests. The crude aqueous extract (SSaq) presented significant activity at a dose of 200 mg kg-1 (p<0.05), being able to inhibit lesions (91.35%). Ethanolic extract (SSet) showed gastroprotective activity at doses of 200 and 400 mg kg -1 (p <0.01), with inhibition of (71.12% and 76.38%), respectively. Further studies will be need for analysis of toxicity and identification of the mechanisms of action underlying the gastrointestinal activity of S. stipulaceum.


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How to Cite
ARAÚJO DE LIMA, Cirlane Alves et al. Applied ethnobotany to gastric ulcer and pharmacological evaluation of Solanum stipulaceum. Acta Brasiliensis, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-7, jan. 2017. ISSN 2526-4338. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025. doi: