Study of leaching of carbofuran in different profiles of red latosol column
This research aimed to evaluate the leaching of carbofuran along the profile of red latosol columns. For the study, 4 columns filled with soil were used and 150 mg L-1 of the commercial product Furadan® was applied. The simulation of three levels of precipitation (20, 60, 100 mm) of rainfall and three depth ranges (0-5, 25-30, 45-50 cm) for a period of 24h was evaluated. The extraction of Furadan® was carried out by means of the Solid-Liquid Extraction with Low Temperature Partitioning (SLE-LTP), being determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC-UV). In the simulation of 20 and 60 mm rain volumes, Furadan® leaching occurred only in superficial soil layers (0-5 cm). However, at 100 mm of rain, the product was leached to the middle layer of the soil (25-30 cm). In this way, it was verified that the leaching capacity of Furadan® was greater when simulating 100 mm of precipitation. New studies, with other types of soil and greater temporal observation, are recommended for the potential of incorporation of this pesticide into the soil profile.
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